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St Marnock's National School, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin

1st Class Tackle the New Hour

24th Sep 2021

First class has come back with a bang! This is the first time any of this class have experienced the dreaded extra hour at the end of the day, but I have to say, this class has tackled the challenge of the last hour with great enjoyment. 

We have explored the history of transport. We have created 29 artists exploring The Dot. We have worked as detectives, architects, builders and shopkeepers. 
We have learned new songs and dances as Gaeilge. We have played some crazy games in PE and competed in bean bag races and bean bag throwing competitions. 

The main thing is, this class have tackled the new hour, the last hour of the day, by having fun and learning through completing new activities. Well done to 1st class on tackling the last hour so far!