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St Marnock's National School, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin

Active Schools

18th Jun 2024
There have been a growing number of children cycling to school in St. Marnock's in...
19th Apr 2024
Here are some pictures from the 1st Class/5th Class Buddy P.E. session during our...
27th Jun 2023
Last week the St. Marnock's 'Colour Clash' sporting events took place. The children...
12th May 2023
Cycling and scooting are great ways to enjoy exercise while getting some fresh air....
28th Apr 2023
The children in Ms. O'Dowd's class had a great time learning some karate moves during...
26th Oct 2022
The North Dublin Cross School's competition was held in glorious Autumn sunshine...
6th May 2022
This week the day finally came when all three 1st classes went to the beach to perform...
6th May 2022
The boys and girls in Room 13 learned how to play baseball with coaches Kate and...
6th May 2022
Ms. O'Dowd's 1st Class and Ms. McDermott's 5th Class joined forces for a paired P.E....
28th Sep 2021
The Walk the World fundraising initiative was a great success during the last school...